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RM01 Drawing with explanatory text. Possibly enclosed in a letter to Anna van Gogh. London, about July 1874 - May 1875.

No. RM01 (Brieven 1990 -, Complete Letters )
From: Vincent van Gogh
To: Anna van Gogh
Date: London, about July 1874 - May 1875

Source status
Original manuscript

Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, inv. no. d405 V/1973

We adhere to the dating given in cat. Amsterdam 1996 (see above): about July 1874 - May 1875.

On this little sheet Van Gogh made a drawing of a small church in London and wrote a few sentences about the history of the building. The following is written on the back: ‘Vincent van Gogh / gekregen van zijn zuster Mevr van Houten 1914 / J. Nieweg’ (Vincent van Gogh, received from his sister, Mrs van Houten, in 1914. J. Nieweg). The last-mentioned is Jacob Nieweg, a clergyman and – since 1914 – a painter (having been influenced by H.P. Bremmer to take up painting), living in Amersfoort. This text might indicate that the drawing was enclosed in a letter to Anna, in which case the letter is not known. Vincent might also have given Anna the sheet in person; the drawing was possibly copied from a photograph or print. See cat. Amsterdam 1996, pp. 54-55, cat. no. 6.


  1. Austin Friars Church, London (F Juv. XXV / JH -), drawing

original text
 1r:1 [sketch A]
Dit kerkje is een merkwaardig overblijfsel van eene oude Augustijner Stichting (Austin friars) minstens reeds dateerende van het jaar 1354 zoo niet reeds een 100 jaren vroeger. Reeds sedert 1550 ingevolge van eene vrijwillige schenking van Eduard VI houdt de Nederduitsche gemeente hier hare godsdienstigee zamenkomsten.

[sketch A]

This little church is a remarkable remnant of an old Augustinian foundation (Austin Friars) dating from at least 1354, if not from 100 years earlier. The Dutch congregation had held its religious services here since 1550, by virtue of a voluntary gift of Edward VI.