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- 004 To Theo van Gogh. The Hague, Tuesday, 28 January 1873.
- in translation:
How I’d like to see that painting by Cluysenaar. I’ve seen only a few of his paintings, and those...
- in note 5:
The following works by Cluysenaar were on display at the Brussels Salon which Van Gogh had visited in...
- in note 4:
It is not known which painting by Alfred Cluysenaar this refers to.
- 013 To Theo van Gogh. London, Saturday, 13 September 1873.
- in translation:
...autiful things by A. and Julien de Vriendt, Cluysenaar, Wouters, Coosemans, Gabriël, De Schamphelee...
- in note 7:
Alfred Cluysenaar, A vocation and La vie en rose (A rosy view of life), pp. 64-65, cat. nos. 1640 and...
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Dated between:
29 September 1872 and 31 July 1890
Alfred Jean André Cluysenaar (1837-1902) Belgian artist
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