5 letters found
- 199 To Theo van Gogh. The Hague, Sunday, 8 or Monday, 9 January 1882.
- in note 8:
...was reprinted in The Graphic Portfolio, 1877. Van Gogh’s copy is still extant. Ill. 1905. (t*151).
- 235 To Theo van Gogh. The Hague, Saturday, 3 June 1882.
- in note 48:
For Fildes’ Houseless and hungry, see letter 199, n. 8.Houseless and hungry
- in note 47:
...from The Graphic Portfolio of 1871, and Houseless and hungry by Fildes and The rival grandpas and gra...
- 278 To Theo van Gogh. The Hague, Wednesday, 1 November 1882.
- in note 14:
For Fildes’s Houseless and hungry, see letter 199, n. 8.
- 293 To Theo van Gogh. The Hague, on or about Monday, 11 December 1882.
- in note 6:
...ry from the text accompanying the print Houseless and hungry by Fildes, published in The Graphic Port...
- 304 To Anthon van Rappard. The Hague, on or about Thursday, 25 January 1883.
- in note 76:
...ntheses himself, means Fildes’s print Houseless and hungry: see letter 199, n. 8. Fildes based his ...
No essay items found
No other items found
Dated between:
29 September 1872 and 31 July 1890
Work of art:
Samuel Luke Fildes - Houseless and hungry - The Graphic. An Illustrated Weekly Newspaper 1 (4 December 1869), p. 9
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